Tuesday, March 5, 2013

week #2

There must be something about this green thing.  For the second week in a row I forgot my reusable grocery bags.  This time at least they were in the car.  So out I went back into the freezing cold and retrieved them.  Sheesh.  Who would have thought this would be so difficult?

The prototype worm box is made!  We just need to figure out the lining for the bottom box to collect the worm tea.  Looks pretty cool.  I will try and post a picture.

Other than that, we are recycling more, conserving gas and trying to buy local.  Oh yeah, and Ely and I have nice sinus infections that are causing great quantities of greenish brown stuff to come out of our noses!  Not sure if that counts...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Going Green!

Off to a great start with being green!  Went to the grocery store today and left ALL MY REUSABLE bags at home.  Yep.  I had to use plastic.  Kirk said it was ok because he rode his bike to work today so he would carry the family.  Wise@$$.

All joking aside.  I am looking forward to this month.  Lots on the table.  Trips to the public market, worm box building, composting. buying local.  We do a lot as a family already, but there is more that we can do by tweaking our recycling efforts and becoming even greener.

Here's to the green month!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Tonight ends the media fast.  It was tougher than I thought, but I began to enjoy the quiet of the house when everyone was gone.  It gave me pause to think where my priorities were.  As a family we are pretty down to earth and do alot together, but this forced us to see beyond.  Mornings were so much more hassle free having no tv distracting us from the tasks at hand.  The weather has not cooperated too much, leaving much down time inside.  For an active family this can be hazardous.  As I write this, chaos is ensuing because everyone is about done with family togetherness.  Too bad 6:30 is too early for bed.

Green month is next.  Time to save the environment one corner at a time!

Monday, February 11, 2013


I must admit I am in the middle of the winter doldrums.  This fast seems to be sapping EVERYTHING out of me and I feel like I am on a deserted island.  I am certain that satan is trying his best to get to me.  I am trying to maintain my sense of humor and am able to when with others, but when the kids or Kirk come home forget it.  They seem to be the biggest complainers.  The kids not so much until Kirk tells them they can play a video game or watch tv, then they are confused because they they thought we were on a media fast.Playing games with them is like watching paint dry.  Ely doesn't like to loose, David doesn't want to play and Kirk is trying to be all serious.

The boys had a glorious time making heart cookies for Ely's class.  Gonna have to write an apology to his teacher beforehand.  Strange purple color frosting with TONS of blue and dark green sprinkles.  They had a blast though.  At least I was able to win the "no bat" cutout argument.  Ely wanted to make bat cookies.

We are rounding the bend with this one.  Just when you don't think the month will ever end, it is almost over.  I hope we have all learned some valuable lessons from this fast..  Like how quickly things can become idols in our lives and replace God.

"We're just about to become adults, to honestly let the Gospel speak to us, to listen to what Jesus says, in no uncertain terms, about poverty and about leading a simple life in this world, a life that shows trust in God and not in our own power and weapons.  God never promised us security in this world.  God promised us only truth and freedom in our hearts.  What does all this mean for us?  It means we're on the way."
Richard Rohr in Simplicity

Peace out.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1/2 way

Well, we are half way done with this fast.  Wish I could say it has been easier.  Like Steve, I have reduced my tv to almost nothing and when I do watch I feel crappy.  My computer time has been limited and I feel cut off from the world.  This am at the bus stop they were talking about a house that had been torn down around the corner from us.  One mom said she had posted it on her facebook page and I could access it there.  I almost thought, "well it is for finding out something."  Then I stopped.  Why the heck did I need to know about this?  How was it going to enhance my day or my life?  The answer was, "it wasn't"  I didn't go to the pit of facebook (which calls every day and sends me e-mails for crying out loud!) David broke his collar bone and I thought of all the wonderful sympathy posts I could have gotten for him.  Why?  To what end?

I have been able to clean and do laundry like a mad woman and when that is all said and done, I have been able to rest and listen for God.  I have a new bible study that I am trying to devote my time to and I am actually not rushing through the bedtime routine with my kids so I can watch "my show".  When did that happen?  My focus has shifted and I am finding out I like that.  That said,  I must admit I am already looking into the next month and quietly counting down the days.  14.

Monday, January 28, 2013

no media...ugh

Well, I must admit I didn't think this would be so hard.  Being away for the first week helped.  The first three days at home have been HORRIBLE!  this STINKS!  All I want to do is watch tv.  We don't watch that much tv.  All I want to do is plug the kids in front of the tv.  The weather stinks.  We can't play outside.  It is so stinkin QUIET in my house.  The QUIET is LOUD.  How am I going to last for three more weeks?  Lord grant me peace.  Give me strength.  Make me deaf, blind and oblivious to EVERYTHING around me!!!!!!!!!!!That is SCREAMING out my name.  The siren call of the cake has switched to the siren call of the electronics.  I will not be able to do this one on my own power.  Who knew how addicted to media we were?  Ugh....

Monday, January 14, 2013

Random Acts

This is our last week of possessions.  I want to encourage everyone to take some time and commit at least one random act of kindness this week.  Then write back and let me know what you did.